Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months agoalways get shot down. It’s almost like people like to be abused.
I still can't tell of these people are that poorly educated or are they just bad faith actors. Online it easy to assume bad faith actor but when you meet this people in real life... it is just sad seeing an adult man thinking like that. 9 months ago
The usual reason given is convenience “I can get it all in 1 place, instead of driving/bussing around town looking for the local option”. I am looking for a usb mic with a short wire to attach to my vr headset so I can stop killing peoples ears with hard P and similar. My local computer store doesn’t carry any mics like I need only the desktop professional ones, nor any nearby local stores either. My only real option is to either go to Best Buy or Bozo. sigh 9 months ago
kinda of a clown world where the little guy now is Best Buy lol This is an example where market conditions has been set, you can't really vote your way out with money :/
Walmart only thing keeping Amazon retail in check.