That’s because pretty much everything does cause cancer eventually. That’s just a consequence of how cellular division works. The trick is knowing how much exposure to any given thing is needed to cause cancer, and whether you’re likely to reach that threshold before you die of anything else.
Comment on Chemicals in car interiors may cause cancer — and they’re required by US law: 9 months ago
I hate cars as much as the next sane person. That being said… Is there anything that doesn’t potentially cause cancer anymore? It makes it hard to take seriously, because if I did then I’d be paranoid about everything and my anxiety would be fucking overwhelming. Seems every day we find something seemingly harmless can cause cancer and it feels almost surreal. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yeah, living causes cancer. The real question is, how much does something increase your risk of developing cancer. If it’s less than the increase from walking around outside for a few hours on a bright day you can pretty safely ignore that. As long as you’re not eating the interior of your car I doubt this poses a significant risk. 9 months ago
The article states its a 400% increase… 9 months ago
Well it says people with a high blood concentration of these chemicals have a 4x increase vs. those with a low concentration. That sounds bad but it might not be. If your odds of developing cancer in the low concentration group are 1 in a million, then your odds in the high concentration group are only 1 in 250,000 which isn’t exactly great but isn’t terrible either. On the other hand if your odds in the low group are 1 in 10,000, then in the high group it’s now 1 in 2,500 which is pretty bad.
All that is also ignoring that the article never directly says cars are responsible, only that the chemicals are present in them, and that people with a high blood concentration of those chemicals have a higher risk. Time is also never discussed. Does it take 80 years of near constant exposure to reach “high blood concentrations”, or are we talking like 5 years? The article is just too nebulous and vague. It shows some correlations, but seems to fall short of both causal links and quantifying the actual risks. 9 months ago
Anxiety is known to the State of California to cause cancer 9 months ago
That’s one of those facts that is made worse by knowing it. 9 months ago
It puts it in the same category as aspartame and mobile phones. That’s below the category with sunlight in it.