Comment on Does Arkham Knight get better? 9 months agoYeah, the Spider-Man games are a good comparison. A ton of different moves you can do but most of them are pretty easy and intuitive to pull of. I’m patiently waiting for Spider-Man 2 to arrive on PC.
I think I’ll invest a few more hours into Arkham Knight and if I can’t get into it I’ll try Origins. And if that one doesn’t do it for me either I’ll just play Asylum again.
Thanks all for your input! 9 months ago
Tacking on my unsolicited two cents - I gave Origins a very, very fair go (added an easy 30 hours to my playtime and even completed some challenge paths for my sense of accomplishment), and while it does try to emulate the success of its prequels, ultimately it falls short of its predecessor.
Arkham City is a perfect balance of all the elements introduced during the series; it doesn’t feel incomplete (although Asylum works great as an entry point) yet it’s not an overbloated mess like Knight. Its story also feels more emotionally involved and the plethora of characters is incorporated well.