- Comment on In a thousand years, will historians regard today as the digital dark ages? 1 week ago:
See also: Post-Truth (Wikipedia). I’m depressed that articles like these even exist…
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
I use PurpleTV and it’s been great. It’s a Twitch fork modified to block ads, reduce bloat, and include customisation for chat, player and other components.
Don’t know if we can share links here but the APK can be easily found online, still being updated semi-regularly. I won’t come back to the official app as long as I’m able. :)
- Comment on Does Arkham Knight get better? 9 months ago:
Tacking on my unsolicited two cents - I gave Origins a very, very fair go (added an easy 30 hours to my playtime and even completed some challenge paths for my sense of accomplishment), and while it does try to emulate the success of its prequels, ultimately it falls short of its predecessor.
Arkham City is a perfect balance of all the elements introduced during the series; it doesn’t feel incomplete (although Asylum works great as an entry point) yet it’s not an overbloated mess like Knight. Its story also feels more emotionally involved and the plethora of characters is incorporated well.