Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago
Yes. Because when I pause to discuss a show I’m watching with someone, or to otherwise pay attention to something else for a moment, for some other sound and video to play is exactly what I want.
This makes literally no sense. The whole point of pausing, is that it’s something you do right before you turn your attention away, and that’s when they want to show you ads?
Either these ads won’t work, because no-one will look at them, or they will defeat the point of pausing something annoying the shit of your users. It’s a lose-lose for everyone involved. Including the advertisers. 9 months ago
I remember when commercial breaks were the time when you went to the bathroom/got snacks and then ran back and jumped over the couch to get back before the show started again.
But most ads don't work on a conscious level. They're there to make whatever is being advertised seem normal and good, like birds singing in the trees, background noise you associate with good feelings. The point isn't to get people to engage rationally. The point is to elicit positive emotions and associate them with a brand. 9 months ago
This is super obvious in pharmaceutical commercials as they all follow the same formula of upbeat music, people either enjoying nature or a party with friends, and lots of smiling as the voice-over tells you about the anal leakage and heart failure side effects. 9 months ago
^and in rare cases, death^ ask your doctor how hydrofluorizine can help change your life 9 months ago
Almost all the ads I’ve seen on Prime video are for other Prime movies. They never appear during a natural break in whatever I’m watching, just burst right in in the middle of a scene. They elicit zero positive emotions, and I am about to cancel my subscription. 9 months ago
Then don’t interrupt my movie or my pause time, and I won’t be pissed at you, then have a seemingly irrational anger-hate when I see you at the store, and refuse to purchase you. There are so many products I won’t buy because of this.