Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago
Hate requires you to consider them first competent with shared common values that inform their beliefs and actions. Otherwise it’s mostly pity and disgust that they have no values other than authority and loyalty like a criminal enterprise, and usually can’t tell if they are being evil on purpose or by accident/inaction/ignorance. 9 months ago
Let me help you, its always all on purpose. They are as deep as the hostile npcs in a video game and worthy of even less moral consideration 8 months ago
I find it equal parts of entertaining and disturbing that you’re trying to drum up hatred just so you can feel less lonely. Here’s a genuine question, but don’t answer it. Well, don’t answer it to me (or anybody else here). Answer it for yourself.
The answer to that question is for you and your therapist to work out. (If you don’t have a therapist FUCKING GET ONE STAT!)