- Comment on !unlockthread@lemm.ee For those frustrated by locked threads 4 weeks ago:
Maybe you want to edit this so there’s a direct link? Like putting in !unlockthread@lemm.ee in the text somewhere (or whatever the link format is)?
- Comment on Trump picks vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy as health secretary 3 months ago:
They’re going to have to go to China to get the seals for those.
I mean it took a Chinese maker to get seals for one of the few remaining living people who needs an iron lung: www.wired.com/story/iron-lung-maker-community/
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
Also, whether something is “extreme” or not depends on someone’s background context, and I would definitely say that the content on lemmy.ml is considered somewhat extreme for someone on America.
Weirdly, I find a lot of the content on America-centric sources (not just in Lemmy) to be pretty damned extreme myself. Like the casual assumption that guns are the right way to deal with all problems. (Slightly exaggerated, yes, but sadly only slightly.)
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
My point is that there’s nothing specifically objectionable about .ml. There’s many instances out there, after all, and all of them are at some risk or another form over- (or under-)zealous moderation. If a community is on .ml and seems to be valuable I’ll go to it, unlike, say, a community on a hypothetical instance called youngnazisforfreedom.sieg.heil or whatever. If the moderation causes issues, I’ll switch to a community (or make another community) on another instance.
THAT is to me the principle of the Fediverse: the ability to choose and to move on at need or will.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
In the case of the “tech”-oriented instances it’s actually the user base I find distasteful.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
You know, before lecturing me you might want to check out which instance I’m coming in from.
I said “I don’t have issues with .ml” … but I’m not coming in from a .ml account. So when I say “I have no issues with .ml” it’s in the context of the original question: do I refrain participating if the community is hosted on .ml.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
What a surprise. A japanimation fan from a japanimation instance cheering on genocide.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
But there’s no such thing as “politically neutral”.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
Most political slurs (“tankie”, “Nazi”, “fascist”, “communist”, “leftist”, “liberal”, “centrist”, etc.), if they ever even start from a position of actually knowing what the words mean, rapidly transform into a general slur that means “someone that I disagree with who’s in a different political tribe from me”.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
I’m not going to name them. The point of this isn’t to expose which instances I dislike, but rather to show that every instance has its fans and its antifans.
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
Whichever instance you choose, someone will have complaints about it. Personally I don’t have issues with .ml, but there are quite a few “tech”-oriented instances over which my trigger finger is itching on the site ban trigger.
It’s all a question of which subset of human stupidity you’re willing to deal with. Because all humans are stupid, we’re just different in how and where we express it.
- Comment on Political discussion and commentary - self posts and opinions welcome! 6 months ago:
I think that’s spelled !politicaldiscussion@lemmy.world
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
I know, right? It’s like irony is a lost art.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
There’s also a reason why votes in parliaments aren’t secret.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
It’s the lazy drive-by and rage votes specifically that I would love to see eliminated. If you’re too much a coward to defend a position, maybe you shouldn’t express it.
- Comment on Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit 6 months ago:
I’ve got the site blocked in my settings and I still see posts from them.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
To me the anonymity of voting is the problem, so the solution is to make them public for all, not to find ways of making them more private.
- Comment on Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit 8 months ago:
I’m a user, not an admin.
- Comment on Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit 8 months ago:
Hmmm… I have hilariouschaos.com blocked in my settings, but I keep seeing posts from the site owner’s sock puppets.
Is there a way to block ALL USERS from a site, not just the communities?
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
Yes. An advocate and ally of LGBTQ+ groups in definitely onside with Xi.
You fucking idiot.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
“Liberal” means “the left” almost exclusively in North America (specifically the USA and Canada). In most of the world the term “liberal” means what Americans call “libertarians” (read: capitalist assholes).
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
“No, you’re wrong, and should suffer for it”.
How very Abrahamic of you. Indeed if you didn’t continually and loudly bleat your politics from talk like this I’d assume you were a fundamentalist Christian.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
Liberals decisions are based on marginal benefit and rational decision making based on a combination of large and small scale unbiased data and historical outcomes.
[citation needed]
Liberals have their own idiotic biases and foolishness. Biases and foolishness that have led to the “disappearing” of many LGBTQ+ activists in China, incidentally, which is why so many such groups in China are distancing themselves from their western counterparts.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
WTF is “ammenmend” supposed to communicate? I have genuinely no idea what you’re on about.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
This would be your straw leftist, I assume? 'Cause I’ve never seen a single leftist anywhere who says that.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
I find it equal parts of entertaining and disturbing that you’re trying to drum up hatred just so you can feel less lonely. Here’s a genuine question, but don’t answer it. Well, don’t answer it to me (or anybody else here). Answer it for yourself.
Why are you so fucking dead set on hatred?
The answer to that question is for you and your therapist to work out. (If you don’t have a therapist FUCKING GET ONE STAT!)
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
Say “I’ve never read history” without, you know, saying it.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 8 months ago:
To amplify from the other side of the world:
善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與;善用人者,為之下。是謂不爭之德,是謂用人之力,是謂配天古之極。 —老子
A good scholar is not a warrior; A good fighter is not angry; Those who are good at defeating enemies will not compete with them; Those who make good use of people are inferior. It is called the virtue of not competing, the power of using people, and the extreme of matching heaven and ancient times. —Laozi
- Comment on xkcd #2949: Network Configuration 8 months ago:
This is one of those times when even having it explained doesn’t make things any more comprehensible.
- Comment on xkcd #2925: Earth Formation Site 10 months ago:
Instigator! 🤣