I guess it might be a good thing I'm not a director since I probably do focus on unimportant things. I just sort of always got the feeling from the source, and I don't think this is a spoiler it's just my feelings, that Root was a very conceited / egotistical kind of person. Maybe I just hallucinated that, because that's where I'm coming from is when the anime doesn't match my expectations of the character. Like I would've expected him to respond to being told someone is stronger than him with "You always were a kidder, Tomoe". I don't know, I feel like he's not really matching with my expectations, especially since people are calling him Luto instead. Like, did they really change that? Why?! It's like taking someone named Kuro that dresses all in black and being like "Actually, we'll translate their name as Jeffrey. Close enough". /rant
1Fuji2Taka3Nasubi@lemmy.zip 9 months ago
Is there any meaning to his name? His name is ルト in Japanese, I’m not aware of it having anything to do with the English word root which should be ルート in Japanese.