Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months agoNo. The packs aren’t like flash storage where they have spare blocks to use when one block wears out. Essentially switching in something that wasn’t used at all before.
The cells are all connected physically, being charged and drained. They do not connect and disconnect cells when wear occurs. They have software limitations on how far to charge and discharge (at what voltage and c rating). Yes, a larger pack will last longer if the charge/discharge cycles aren’t as “deep”. But no, they don’t have spare cells just to cover wear. 9 months ago
You realize you can also use a microcontroller to completely shutoff cells so they don’t get used until one dies yeah? 9 months ago
No. Handwaving a microcontroller doesn’t fix it unless you have two high current contactors per cell, and multiple intermediate busses and contactors, it’s not going to work.
That’s going to add a ton in transmission complexity, and weight, that doesn’t really benefit the battery at all. Along with the fact that cells should be balanced in wear and cycles. It just doesn’t make sense. 9 months ago
Again, most battery packs already do this.
Wires are negligible weight and yes it absolutely benefits the battery, it can double the life style as previously explained, that’s a massive boon mate.
It’s okay to be wrong. 9 months ago
Most packs have only 2 contactors. Not 2 per cell. The only way to have spare cells that are not in active use all the time is to physically disconnect the cells from the rest of the pack. The only way to do that is to have contactors at each “end” of the cell, or cell pack, that you want to switch in and out.
Car packs are ~360-800v nominal depending on the car/pack. To get to those voltages with the normal cells (~3.2-3.7v nominal)you need between 95 and 250 cells in series (wired one to another directly, all the power goes through all the cells).
Let’s do an example. The simplest pack possible. A 95s1p meaning 95 cells wired negative to positive in a single line. A contactor at each end to cut power to the car for safety.
This is the simplest pack. Also the lowest range and worst for cell wear.
So say you want to “double” the range? You “simply” build an entire separate pack, and drop it next to the first with it’s own set of contactors, right?
But in that case you have doubled the amount of interconnect bus in the pack(the wires to get the high current out of the battery), as well as contactors.
You could get to the same power storage (range and longevity) by making a 95s2p pack with one set of contactors.
So instead of 2 lines of cells, you connect each cell to it’s partner with a small piece of wire then connect that to the next cell in the pack.
This means you don’t need the extra long wire from the back to the front of the pack for the second set. The tradeoff is you can’t physically disconnect the second cells, but you don’t need the weight and complexity of extra contactors, and the long wire for second cell set.
So what’s the actual benefit of physically disconnecting the second set of cells?
When one battery dies in the 95s1p pack, the whole pack is useless, as all the power from the remaining 94 cells must travel through the one high resistance cell.
In a 95s2p pack each cell only has to take half the current of the entire pack (improving as got go up in parallel cells).
You would be able to run one 95s1p dead, then switch to the other and keep driving till that is dead. But the efficiency of that is actually less than you get if you just had one 95s2p you ran from full till dead.
So again, being able to physically disconnect some cells in the pack only adds weight, complexity, and risk.
The Tesla car with “less range” that can be “unlocked” is literally just a software setting that limits the charge/discharge voltage of the entire pack, not switching in and out battery cells physically.
So… As you said