Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months agoThe pressures are not real, they’re entirely social constructs.
The easiest fix is for the government to just tax carbon emissions, like Canada, and turn turn the cost way up. The market (Corporations) will change very quickly if it’s cheaper not to pollute.
Will it hurt people? Yes. Costs will go up, but pollution will go down. That’s the tradeoff. 10 months ago
Societal pressures are real, though. It doesn’t matter that there’s not a physical force making you do a certain thing. Humans are social animals. We’re, from day 1, molded by the world we were born into. To claim that you can just deny all of those drives is, quite simply, arrogant.
Again, I want change. I want to make it as easy as possible for the individual to do the best they can. Beating them about the head, saying “well you can just choose not to eat meat!” Doesn’t help that cause. 9 months ago
As a vegan, you’re absolutely right. A lot of people think the hard part is giving up meat or dairy or eggs, but it’s not. The hard part is dealing with the social implications. Explaining to your friends you aren’t willing to eat with them when they’re doing something you find thoroughly wrong.
You have to be willing, at least somewhat, to pay the cost of maintaining your convictions, and nobody ever tells you that when you start.
Social change is hard, and it takes time. But so many have already blazed a much harder path than I’ve had to endure, and every time someone else gets on board it makes it easier. 9 months ago
Exactly. So many people write off the impact society makes on our individual decisions. The thing that’s critical to remember is, we’re all doing our best. I believe that thoroughly - no one wants to be less than the best version of themselves. Celebrate the smallest of wins, and eventually we’ll all be there. 10 months ago
It’s not arrogant, people absolutely cast off social norms all the time. That’s how we drive change in our world already.
Remember segregation? We started out of that with people ignoring the rules (on both sides) despite the significant cost.
It’s dead simple to stop eating meat from a social perspective, vegetarians are extremely common these days. To add to that, there’s no social cost at all for simply reducing meat consumption. None of your friends are going to complain about you serving carbonara instead of steak when they come over. 10 months ago
And all of those social norms took time. Took small changes. We didn’t just bring a bunch of slaves over, and one day say “nah this ain’t right.” We had a MASSIVE chain of events that led to, finally, enough people being done with it, and they started a war.
That’s my point. It’s not just a flip of the switch and it’s done. It’s small, incremental steps that win over people slowly.
If it was as simple as you make it out to be, we’d already be in a utopia.