All you have to do is buy your own IP, and you can use it whenever you want. You don’t have to use one given to you by the upstream gateway via DHCP or BootP.
Of course, you need to make sure the upstream router is configured to not drop addresses it didn’t assign itself. 10 months ago
Static IP 10 months ago
AFAIK static public facing IP addresses are limited to a physical location. It would work if my laptop never left my house but as soon as I take it to the airport its no longer accessible. People who try to connect to the static Iap would just get a message saying the address timed out. 10 months ago
I’ve got a VPN set up on my home server so when I leave the house, my public IP is still the same on my laptop as it is at home. If you’ve got people sending you messages directly via IP why wouldn’t you just set that up? 10 months ago
Thats a valid solution, thanks for saying it!
I think it is good to note this requires either having another system at home or in the cloud to host the VPN right?