- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
I’m just saying people enjoy a game idk what youre gaining from gatekeeping that.
Saying something is just for kids is the only stupid thing I’m hearing tbh, adults are allowed to have fun
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
So sometimes the most profitable quarterly isn’t the best thing to do?
Minions were made TO BE DUMB, Minecraft is the most popular game in the world MADE DUMB FOR PROFIT - there’s a massive difference and blaming the people mad not the problem is pretty stupid
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
If were going average or median I would be genuinely surprised if it was under 20 ngl.
They advertise to kids cause kids and adults buy it then, advertise to adults and youre just cutting off part of your market - companies aren’t so super sterilised these days cause today’s youth are just super loaded
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
I mean hey they’re all a mod of the compiler if you look deep enough
- Comment on Chromecast / Firestick Self Host Replacement 5 months ago:
If you want to put in more work for more freedom, a lot of SBC’s can do something similar too.
- Comment on Super Mario Sunshine’s Biggest Mod Now Ready for Download 6 months ago:
Without me putting in all that much effort to confirm, I believe the patching software is an .exe - it probably does run on wine, but without you’d have to pirate an already patched copy of eclipse (which is usually pretty frowned upon)
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
Heavily depends on what you use, on a Linux server as a NAS I’m able to get away with 2gb, an orange pi zero 3 1gb but it essentially only ever ones one app at a time.
Im sure a hardcore rgb gamer could need 32gb pretty quick by leaving open twitch streams, discord, a couple games in the background, a couple chrome tabs open all on windows 11
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
It was more a server side plugin than a mod, but that only grew its popularity.
Even randomised loot existed around the map
- Comment on Justice Department considering push for historic break up of Google after landmark antitrust ruling: report 6 months ago:
Just apple maps and bing under the hood though.
What we really need is some non-super monopoly competition like osm
- Comment on Elon Musk loses fight with ex-Twitter staffer, must pay $600K 6 months ago:
So slaves?
- Comment on How do sport shooter bring their gear to international events ? 6 months ago:
Ah, America
- Comment on Good guides for the security you need to set up for self hosting? 7 months ago:
I skimmed over your entire comment minus the part about docker, so if you answered this somewhere and I’m a dumbass I already accept fault,
that being said docker has taught me more about Linux than anything else, cause its like a micro Linux you can reliably bring up and take down on demand, without requiring risking breaking your GUI or something scary
- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 7 months ago:
Of course it is a neurotoxin but if you’re OK with that yeah it works the best
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
Just cause lithium ion is pretty subsidied and quite energy dense
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
“Trust me bro”?
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
What gives you such confidce it will fail if I may ask?
- Comment on Why is it impossible to reverse-engineer closed source software? 7 months ago:
Hardest part is its a lossy ‘encoder’ which the parts lost are the human readable part
- Comment on Why was my post deleted? 7 months ago:
As in you’re trying to intentionally annoy them?
- Comment on How does generative AI create convincing lighting in images? 8 months ago:
To get a bit more technical, they build images in passes; each becoming more coherent than the last. This gives thsm a boost to understanding understand how ‘things’ relate to one another, knowing them by nothing but that relation. Light + light source being an example, and the angle of lighting being another deeper layer of that a - completed on a less noisy pass.
This is how its able to build images from its training parts, it sorta understands how each of them relate to some things, so its able to sorta organizes an image of random noise each pass, eventually creating a ‘unique’ image inspired by its training data.
It also gives it that perfect image you mention, cause its specifically trained to look like what looks good to us - its essentially a function optimised on nothing but.
- Comment on Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer 8 months ago:
They mention using it in HR to enhance employee retention, which is… pretty damn dystopian
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
I mean its not the exact same crisp but a small layer of oil in a standard pan’ll still beat waiting months I’d argue
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Is it not common just to make something when you want it?
Maybe I’m too Canadian to understand but do you usually go out for meals?
- Comment on MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says 9 months ago:
Honestly if I get scammed I don’t have the time nor money to fight it, sounds like mostly protection for those at the top
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Funny enough ‘efficiency’ industrially tends to just mean what makes the most money anyways, so most crop’s have been trained to be nutrient sparse, yet large
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
I mean like owning things is a human concept not a physical law, so yeah I can imagine a society exists where nothing is owned
Can’t say if it’d be better or worse than our current cause were not trying it, but tbh I’d be happy if instead of solely me being able to use ‘my’ drill for example, the whole community can whenever they require.
Sounds a hell of a lot more efficient to me if we work together not apart
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Making the assumption ownership is a valued currency of course.
Which is arguably a bootstrap-paradox; we need capital to participate in capitalism, for which we need - cause without capitalism what would we do with our capital.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
On one end carrying sheep would be annoying, but so is a credit score; arguably both are sources of noise distracting humanity from actually improving at all
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
God? Jesus is that you? Or at least someone omnipotent
You know with absolute certainty the only way people can trade is capitalism?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Kinda like when an AI is overtrained on one thing that wasn’t really correlated to its original goal, we’ve attempted to create a system that organizes collaboration between people; were now so overtrained on acquiring wealth that some would rather the planet burn than risk acquiring slightly less.
Its similar enough to a trail of ants in a death spiral; the same essential survival instincts that their society depends on, now nefariously dooming all involved to a slow starvation.
That being said similarly to the ants most of the populace will do the average (as it’s what’s kept us alive this long so how could it harm us?) And continue the spiral, but if one individual is able to reconnect the spiral to the main pheramone train the entire death spiral may be avoided
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Though I can’t really see a party being the best representation for the populace no?