There is definitely a case for having a separate device for something a smartphone can do, if it can do it better, e.g a camera.
This device doesn’t do it better in my opinion.
Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 9 months ago
Did they forget smartphones exist? Why would I want another device for something my smartphone could do?
There is definitely a case for having a separate device for something a smartphone can do, if it can do it better, e.g a camera.
This device doesn’t do it better in my opinion.
There is definitely a case for having a separate device for something a smartphone can do, if it can do it better, e.g a camera.
Frankly things have gone full circle and the list of “external devices that can do it better” seems to get larger and larger each release. Pretty much all phones excel at these days is scrolling through social media and keeping us entertained on the toilet. 9 months ago