You know, there are more options than food service or IT lol
Comment on Woodworking as an escape from the absurdity of software 10 months agoYeah it is a luxury opinion to have. I lucked the fuck out and gotta outta food service for IT.
Not a minute goes by I’m not thankful, no matter what kinda shit day I’m having I’m not putting away truck while orders come in and the prep called out and don’t forget to clean the frier by the way how did you forget the onions?!?!?!?!?
Yeah go work that shit with no light at the end of the tunnel and then talk about how it’s wonderful.
Bonkers pov totally agree. 10 months ago 9 months ago
I tend to agree with you. I work in a retail pharmacy and literally have had nightmares about work. Some folks dont know how good they have it. But in their defense satisfaction is an unfortunately ephemeral beast. When i first switched from the floor to pharmacy i was happier than id been in years. I still wouldn’t go backwards, but god damn some days i would love a job where i can sit down and the only customer i have to worry about is my boss.