Large scale data centers, like the ones that end up in the news for FAANG are ~100 megawatt footprints.
I have no idea where you’re getting 3.4 megawatts as the largest data center in the US, but that is wildly undersized.
Comment on Why data centers want to have their own nuclear reactors 10 months agoLarge scale data centers, like the ones that end up in the news for FAANG are ~100 megawatt footprints.
I have no idea where you’re getting 3.4 megawatts as the largest data center in the US, but that is wildly undersized.
Probably in northern Utah. 10 months ago
Just one note, nuclear power plants run at around 35% efficiency. This is because they are basically steam generators and tend to not push as hard for safety. I think they can get up to 40-45% with combined cycles and such, but then we are in the “very large” territory