This is not right, even per capita the US has a higher % o immigrants than the UK, although they are lower than some of the countries you mention.
Comment on Biden calls Japan and India xenophobic: ‘They don’t want immigrants’ 10 months ago
Okay Biden now compare yourself to the UK which has about 35% more immigrants than the US.
Or Canada, or Australia, or Singapore, or Switzerland, or New Zealand... 10 months ago 10 months ago
I don't like that website but you're right, the UK are about the same as the US with just 15 or 16%.
I thought they were the same as the rest of the anglosphere but they're not! Shouldn't have picked them to make my point, should have picked Australia after all. Will edit.
My point still stands though. He had a really low bar of comparison, and if he knows immigration is what makes you strong then the obvious implication is he should be amping for more immigration.
Idk it just seemed like a really weird speech. 10 months ago
Interesting that the site lists “residents” and the. Has Saudi Arabia way up there. I wonder what those numbers would be like if they didn’t count their
slavesforeign workers. 10 months ago
I’d love to see your source on that, but when you go look you’ll find you were waaaaay off and be too embarrassed to reply that you were wrong.
I’ll point you in the right direction though. According to the United Nations, the USA has over five times more immigrants than the UK. Nearly as many immigrants as the UK has people. 10 months ago
I'm talking per capita. I've now edited the above comment and added a source.
Sorry for the confusion, I don't know why I thought that since I was talking about percentages it would be obvious I'm referring to per capita numbers, because re-reading my comment I see it's ambiguous.
But come on, have a heart. New Zealand only has 5 million people in it, total. You must think I'm incredibly, mindblowingly stupid if you think I'm saying the US somehow has fewer immigrants than that!