Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 9 months ago
I had to help my sister keep her 8 year old Mac going or buy a new secondhand (cheap) machine. With the options out there and with the state of Windows, I didn’t even consider it.
She’s ended up with her same 7 year old Mac with Ubuntu 24.04, and I’ve been really impressed with how it’s actually great for non-technical users these days! And works really well on old hardware.
This should give her another few years of life out of the thing without worrying about software support. 9 months ago
Go for tumbleweed, it’s supporting wide range of architectures (including even powerpc so you can still use powerpc macs) and it’s rolling release distro on top of that 9 months ago
Are you talking about OpenSUSE? 9 months ago
Yes 9 months ago
I’ve been on fedora for quite awhile, what makes tumbleweed better or unique? might try it sometime