Anarco-NATOists are the most insufferable people on tAnarchist.
Signed an anarchist.
Comment on NATO sounds alarm over 'hostile' Russian activity across Europe 9 months ago
Incoming hurt tankie feelings…
Anarco-NATOists are the most insufferable people on tAnarchist.
Signed an anarchist.
Must be true, because you lot can’t pass up a chance to get hot and bothered.
Signed, an anarchist (you gotta put the comma in there, or else tell us what anarchist you signed).
Yeah cause geopolitics is all about our feelings. Spoken like a true Westoid
Yeeesh, that gives me secondary embarrassment for you 😬
It’s second hand embarasment you pedantic twerp if you are going to grammar police people at least have a basic grasp of the language.
Wow, you really triggered them clowns.
Like flies to honey.
The whole basis of NATO’s alarm here is actually hurt feelings, look at what ‘hybrid activity’ consists of? We literally played “made you look” with a terror alert that expired weeks before the Ukraine-linked Crocus Hall attack, then tried to act like the alert hadn’t expired and they were ignoring it. They’re complaining that “Russians” (which as Twitter Leaks show can have a wide-ranging definition including Susan Sarandon!) hurt their feelings online. 9 months ago
Wait what? I thought tankies were those sleeveless t-shirts you wear when it’s too damn hot. 9 months ago
No no it’s like a regular tank, just you know - smaller n stuff