- Comment on Amateur Entomologists 3 months ago:
World of Warcraft fans seething right now.
- Comment on Intergalactic Planatary 5 months ago:
- Comment on Poggers 5 months ago:
Bronze Age, but Diamond League.
- Comment on Elon Musk destroys astronomy 5 months ago:
Still love the truck tho
- Comment on Twenty percent of hard drives used for long-term music storage in the 90s have failed 5 months ago:
The music industry and failing to understand technology, name a more iconic duo.
- Comment on Ideal Shrek Zone 5 months ago:
You’ve just been made a moderator of
- Comment on Dickite 9 months ago:
- Comment on Schools in England send police to homes of absent pupils with threats to jail their parents 9 months ago:
Labour aren’t spineless—they’re complicit. Outside of that very small window where Jezza was “in charge” (read: the donors fucked up, and fixed it shortly thereafter), Labour in our living memory has never been anything but Democrats with smart boy accents.
- Comment on State-backed digital violence used to silence women in Thailand 9 months ago:
I agree. Israel’s real war crimes are just as bad as China’s imaginary ones.
- Comment on After Raids, NYPD Denied Student Protesters Water and Food in Jail 9 months ago:
They’re just bad apples. As the old saying goes: “One bad apple
spoils the barrelis fine and the barrel is fine, nothing to worry about.” - Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
Get that big bucket wheel excavator from Germany to dig up the edge of the English Channel and sink the island into the sea.
- Comment on NATO sounds alarm over 'hostile' Russian activity across Europe 9 months ago:
Wait what? I thought tankies were those sleeveless t-shirts you wear when it’s too damn hot.
- Comment on Charlotte shooting: Three police officers shot dead, five wounded in North Carolina home siege 9 months ago:
What a tragedy. I will be keeping Suspect and their family in my thoughts and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.
- Comment on I'm so interested in SDF 10 months ago:
Absolutely sick theme song choice. No notes.
(I’m actually taking my son to see them live soon!)
- Comment on I'm so interested in SDF 10 months ago:
I don’t know anything about SDF but I think this is your theme song:
(replace the domain with if you’re a nerd who doesn’t trust FOSS)
- Comment on Meta thinks it's a good idea for students to wear Quest headsets in class 10 months ago:
Also what even is the use case they’re hoping to do better at than a bunch of laptops or tablets?
I believe the use case they’re pursuing is “we don’t sell laptops or tablets, but we sell these things. MONEY PLEASE!”
- Comment on pluto 10 months ago:
False. Pluto is the greatest robot on Earth.
- Comment on YouTube is testing a new design that you'll probably hate instantly 10 months ago:
I haven’t looked at it. I already hate it. My opinion will not change if I look at it. There is a reason I use alternate front-ends for alphabet
agencycorporation! products. - Comment on tikatalik 10 months ago:
Museums Victoria acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Boon Wurrung Bunurong peoples of the eastern Kulin Nations where we work, and First Peoples across Victoria and Australia. No, we aren’t giving your land back. But we did want to remind you that we stole it. You’re welcome.
- Comment on The dirty little secret that keeps Australian housing wildly unaffordable 1 year ago:
Wow what a secret. Rich people own the most homes, those rich people decide which other rich people get into government, and those rich people in government set policy. I wonder who the fuck that policy is going to benefit?
- Comment on Australia wants to force cats to stay inside or give them a curfew because they are murdering so many other animals they are a threat to the country's biodiversity 1 year ago: