Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months agoNobody has. Nuclear casks need maintenance for their life time. We haven’t invented any kind of nuclear proof forever material that’s immune to entropy. Everything in life slowly degrades overtime and the longer the life span of something the more it degrades. We are expecting a private company to continue a maintenance cycle that brings in zero profit and all costs for a few thousand years without cutting corners. I don’t like the idea of the elon musks of his world being the smaug of nuclear waste 10 months ago
I know there’s the joke that Finland doesn’t exist, but didn’t know people like you who took it seriously.
From 2019. Yes, we’ve figured out how to store it permanently. The country of 5 million somehow figured out what the hundreds of millions in Germany, USA, and others couldn’t.
Or more accurately, actually did it. The solution has been known for awhile.
Also, never said a private company had to do anything - that’s just a strawman you brought up. 10 months ago
its actually easier if you just use a borehole.…/Horizontal_drillhole_disposal
Image 10 months ago
That’s basically what Finland is doing, with a few extra steps.
The whole waste thing isn’t an unsolved issue, it’s purely a political one. 10 months ago
So government then. Give the Responsibility to fund this all cost and zero profit social good endeavor to politicians like Trump or a Bolsonaro.
Finland and a few other countries are testing this out. But unfortunately like every other solution, there ends up being some unforeseen problem. Time will tell. Which is part of why a lot of people are hesitant and not wanting to rush into these things.
We also are finding other solutions in the meantime. Its not a bad thing if at the end of the day we don’t need nuclear.