Also, is this supposed to replace the air in the house, and attic? Because 3000cfm is akin to a wind tunnel. That would replace the air in an attic and house in about a minute. Without proper air exchange points, that actually sounds problematic to seals. 10 months ago
The fans only would remove air from the attic. I didn’t consider the seals. I’ll make sure to bring up the air exchange points when I talk to the handyman again, but I’m considering dropping him. Thank you for your comment. 10 months ago
As a 25 year construction worker, many of which have dealt with electricity. Two full years as an electrician.
Running one 240 circuit might sound intimidating. But it’s an efficient way to run a lot of juice to one location. All of your large appliances are ran on a 240, if they’re electric.
I can’t exactly explain to you why, but most efficient electric motors are 240. I agree with his initial recommendation. Without being on site, or having exact measurements, I cannot say that the cfm is uncalled for. I was going off of your 1300sqft est on the attic.
Just know that the things you are looking for are appropriate air exchange. Not too much, not too little. 10 months ago
So the product he is installing, on Amazon, says it runs off 120 volts. Here is the link to the amazon listing.…/B01AA6Y2YS
I appreciate your comment, and I agree and understand that some appliances function better off of 240 volts, but with this extra context, wouldn’t this particular fan not benefit from a 240 volt line because the unit is only rate to operate at 120 volts? I believe this would damage the fan, or outright destroy it. 10 months ago
So with the whole 240/120 thing you’re talking about phases. These are basically electrical currents that function like wavelengths, operating at specific frequencies. The amperage basically says how much punch that phase/frequency can have.
If you put two twenty Amp circuits on the same neutral. The electricity will pass through both motors, and come back to the panel. The panel will read that those breakers are putting out more than 20A and trip the breakers.
If you put those breakers on different phases, the wavelengths alternate. Instead of really high peaks and valleys, there are more frequently occurring similar ones. So the breakers will read with in limits, and function. This is called sharing a neutral
What your guy is trying to do, is save a lot of work, and some money on material. Instead of running two wires, he’s trying to share neutrals. 10 months ago
Is it possible the 1500 cfm fans are intended to be run at lower capacity, and are just sized for a factor of safety?