Considering a password manager that also stores your second factor to be 2FA, assuming that it requires two factors to authenticate with on its own, is basically the same thing as considering logging into a site via SSO that itself requires two factors to be 2FA.
It’s also the same as considering a hardware security key with a PIN-protected Passkey to be 2FA. 10 months ago
Basically then it degrades to a very strong password that can’t easily be phished.
Which is still pretty good in my book, but not as good as a second device. 10 months ago
Not really. You still should be use MFA to access the vault itself before you can even get to the Token. 10 months ago
Yeah, of course. A very strong password that can’t easily be fished that is stored in Bitwarden. I thought that was implied. 10 months ago
“Basically then it degrades to a very strong password that can’t easily be phished.”
I’m disagreeing with this, in that you are still (hopefully) using 2FA with your vault. Therefore whatever your accessing in that vault whether its a TOTP token or a password is still protected by MFA and not just a “very strong password”.
Putting a TOTP token inside a vault protected by a strong password and another form of authentication is no less secure then having it be separate from the vault.