10 months ago
We’re going back to the period between 2008 and 2020 where employers didn’t want to pay for well educated and experienced professionals and it was impossible to negotiate your salary. We’re back at having stagnating wages again. In a period of incredibly high inflation no less.
I only got a significant bump in 2021 when companies claimed worker shortages. 10 months ago
Is what you’re citing industry or region specific? In technology those years represented explosive growth and wage increases. 10 months ago
I wonder if that had anything to do with low interests rates and Venture Capitalists practically throwing cash at startups?
Other industries just simply didn’t have the same advantages, and now that tech companies no longer have those advantages either, they’re becoming just like any other corporation. 10 months ago
I’m a software engineer. In Canada. There was no explosive growth. Only layoffs and stagnant wages. There was a huge brain drain to the US during that period. Many of my university friends ended up in the states. 10 months ago
I know many wonderful Canadian brothers and sisters that have come from up north. Its always been one of those strange things to me that my Canadian friends can’t get even close to the same pay in Canada as the USA. I imagine there are many reasons for it.
I suppose we can say that those Canadians experienced the explosive growth in wages too, just not inside Canada.