This is a bad idea and not cost effective. Just buy a used minipc
Comment on Recommendations for Hardware for Physical Media/Jellyfin Server 10 months ago
If all you’re looking to do is setup a Jellyfin server that won’t do any transcoding, you could very easily use a raspberry pi with an external Hard Drive. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Why is it a bad idea?
What the breakdown of cost of Pi (and accessories) vs mini pc? What’s the power consumption breakdown?
I’m certainly not say it has to be a Pi; I’m trying to point out that a Pi could host a Jellyfin server without transcoding. 10 months ago
It could but a Raspberry Pi these days will cost you $100 by the time you buy one, a case, a powers supply and SD card. Not to mention the raspberry pi does not have hardware acceleration.
By comparison you can pickup a minipc for around the same price and it will be much more efficient as it has hardware acceleration. 10 months ago
How much does it cost in power to run the Pi? The computer?
I’ve got a Pi3B running Plex and, with one stream and no transcoding, there is no choppiness to any video. 10 months ago
Ah, okay. So, if I understand correctly, unless I’m trying to have Jellyfin do what YouTube does with offering multiple resolutions and bitrates for video, I don’t need to bother with looking for a GPU that’s good at video transcoding? 10 months ago
Or streaming to a device that doesn’t support your encoding. Something like an android tv that isn’t as flexible and may need on the fly transcoding. You can be careful to select a well supported encoding on the server if needed. 10 months ago
If you want to serve multiple resolutions and bitrates you will probably want hardware that can do transcoding. However basically any graphics card (even integrated) will be able to transcode a video stream in real-time at a decent quality.
(If you wanted you can try to pre-transcode offline, but Jellyfin doesn’t support this well) 10 months ago
Pretty much, so long as your clients support the bitrate and resolution. (As others have said) 10 months ago
It’s not the bitrate and resolution it’s the video and audio codecs that need to be supported.