How are these people successful enough to go on vacation to begin with tho??
Comment on PSA: Do not approach the wildlife. 10 months ago
True, but on the plus side, it does help cull stupidity from the species, so that’s a plus. 10 months ago 10 months ago
If you’re in a neighborhing state you can just drive to Yellowstone over a weekend. It’s actually really beautiful and unique. I even got a selfie with a Bison but it was standing 25 ft behind me in the background, munching or grass if whatever. I will never understand people who want to fuck with 800 pound meat tanks. 10 months ago
They were Romanian in Scotland. 10 months ago
I have some really, really bad news if they only thing holding your worldview together is the idea that people make their way in this world on their own merit. 10 months ago
😭😭😭 10 months ago
My thoughts exactly, we need to let Natural Selection do its job. If you wanna take a selfie with a 1500 pound wild animal, go right ahead. Don’t complain if you get trampled though. 10 months ago
Unfortunately the policy is to kill animals that hurt guests, even if it was the guest’s fault. I am not sure this applies to trampling, but it does to predators (wolves, bears, lions). 10 months ago
The amount of people on this post alone, who are rooting for animals to become violent, is a bummer.
It would be nice if social media platforms were incentivized to run public awareness campaigns, like we used to see with Smokey the Bear, to help curb all of this behavior. Though, I could see that just making things worse, because, you know gestures at everything