Like someone else said, Lifeline is still a thing. For mobile phone plans it isn’t quite as good as the old Lifeline + ACP combo where some were offering Unlimited minutes, text and data. Most are 500-1000 minutes, unlimited text, 4-5GB data.
You have to be on SNAP, Medicaid, or some other federal programs OR meet the income requirements. If you sign up online now they kick you over to a National Verification site to check your eligibility. It’s pretty quick and painless. Then you’ll get a free (shitty) phone, or a SIM card on some that do BYOP. 10 months ago
Tello, 100 minutes talk/unl text/a gig of data, $6. Uses the tmo network. You can also port your number to Google voice for a $20 one-time fee and have unlimited voice/msgs, as long as you have wifi service. Uses the Voice app.
Tello is my second number, few years now, had no issues. Used to have GV back when I had no money as a teenager, and would use my tablet as a phone. Worked surprisingly well. 10 months ago
Thanks for the ideas! May go for Tello soonish.