You’ve been out of the loop for a while now then.
Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago
Wait, I’ve been out of the loop for a bit; is Trump actually saying that he should be immune to charges because he was the president??? How in the world could he think that would work? 10 months ago 10 months ago
I honestly envy them. 10 months ago
Don’t. It’s people that are out of the loop (people that work too much, don’t care, people with busy lives, etc) who are at risk of falling for Republican propaganda about how bad Biden is and how good Trump is.
An informed populace is always for the best. It’s why Republicans attack education and freedom of information so hard.
Be thankful to be informed and thankful you can actually act on it. For now. 10 months ago
Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. Yes, it is completely absurd and would undermine the bedrock principles of our legal system. However, apparently somewhere between 3 and 6 members of the US Supreme Court may be seriously considering it. 10 months ago
Then again, with that same theory, he could just eliminate Congress altogether before the voting starts for impeachment. Or place specific justices on house arrest before they vote. Basically, the idiotic idea of a president not beholden to laws is mostly the same as a despotism if the “president” wishes it to be. 10 months ago
What do you mean how? He did a bunch of crimes and has not seen any jail time. It’s been working 10 months ago
Yep that’s the argument. At the end of the day it’s a stalling tactic to push the trial past election day. 10 months ago
Yes. But, just an FYI, that’s not the actual reason they’re trying to claim it in court. They know it will never succeed, they just want to use it to delay his election trial until after the election. 10 months ago
Yes, his lawyers have argued that he could order the assassination of a political rival and be immune. And the conservatives judges agree. 10 months ago
That last part isn’t a fact. We don’t have a ruling and we don’t know how they will vote.
(God knows how this court will vote but don’t spread misinformation) 10 months ago
“The conservative justices don’t immediately and vehemently disagree”
I think we can agree that this is a fact. And already troubling enough. 10 months ago
Would they agree if Biden used his absolute power to pass a federal law guaranteeing safe access to abortion?