That is 253watts at 1.21ish volts. Multiply those together and you get around 307. Divide 307 by 253 to get the exact voltage based on those number.
Comment on Motherboard makers apparently to blame for high-end Intel Core i9 CPU failures | Ars Technica 10 months agoThis is not a typo right, 307Amps?! What creative maths have they done to get this number.
The PCB tracks on the motherboard are what, about 0.5mm thick and about 2mm wide (for the larger channels)? I can absolutely guarantee you arent getting 300+ Amps through those tracks. 10 months ago
It’s a 250W+ part running at around 1V, so it’s going to draw a lot of current. Power is supplied via many pins on the back of the CPU, and they’re connected to many traces, so it’s not putting all that current through just one. It still puts out a lot of heat anyway, which is why modern motherboards have large heat sinks, sometimes with fans, on their VRMs. 10 months ago
Thanks! 10 months ago
Oh but you are. It’s at 0.8v to 1.2v range so it’s high current.
This is what all the VRM design is for. The motherboards are generally 20-30 layers nowadays with 2oz copper in the power layers. The traces are short and you do get hundreds of amps.
And yes, I’ve designed them on the silicon side. 10 months ago