Comment on [Troubleshooting] It's the clog guy again - temp readings are bad! 10 months ago
This is really a head scratcher. I’m no Klipper expert when it comes to really tinkering with the printer.cfg, however if I was in your situation the next place I would go with troubleshooting would be on the firmware side of things. Klipper already makes regular backups of your important configs so maybe try making a copy of them and do a clean install of Klipper with a default printer.cfg for your printer and see if that helps narrow down the issue some more. Saves you having to spend money on hardware if you don’t end up actually needing it. 10 months ago
This is among the things I did today that finally nailed the temp issue, I used a config file from last month when it was working and there was no change.
I took am certain it’s software/firmware related. I’m also not an expert, but over the course of the last few days I’ve learned a lot more than I knew, and I’m pretty confident that at least everything I’m able to edit (or at least everything the average user is intended to edit) is set up properly, which is why I feel I’m running out of things to test 10 months ago
Have you updated Klipper itself on your mcu?
In fact what’s the firmware version before you do if you haven’t.
It may be a big fixed by a firmware update but if not as much work as you’ve done with capturing details would probably be handy for Kevin in tracking down a weird bug/issue.