They only changed a letter, and are essentially just shortening Not.
Nitter = Not Twitter Neuters = Not Reuters
Comment on [deleted] 10 months agoI swear, in general, open source software is absolutely fantastic. But open source developers have no concept of naming things in general and or user design in general. They make great software, but choose absolutely horrid names and or user interfaces.
They only changed a letter, and are essentially just shortening Not.
Nitter = Not Twitter Neuters = Not Reuters
I know what it means. It’s still a terrible name.
choose absolutely horrid names and or user interfaces
Get a free tool.
Bitch incessantly about said free tool.
This was literally my first time ever using it. As I said, it’s a great tool. I’m not criticizing the work at all. 10 months ago
I think it’s funny. They’re neutering the ads and tracking