It was totally to give you content to share today on Lemmy /s 9 months ago
I tried to swipe something word earlier and it decided what really wanted to say was ConocoPhillips. Why the fuck is that even in the dictionary in my phone? When would I ever want to say that? 9 months ago 9 months ago
At some point, “lets”, “well”, “ill”, “id”, and “its” (among many others) have stopped being words, apparently. 9 months ago
I’ve finally had to disabled it. Been a few weeks and while typing is more of an effort on my part, it is also much less frustrating.
The predictive text was far and away the most annoying part. 9 months ago
Disabling autocorrect showcased how bad I am at phone typing. But I have to be very mindful of what is actually corrected and corrected to. Especially in sms where there’s no easy edit 9 months ago
Yeah. Kinda like an LLM lmao 9 months ago
Tin foil hat: Spy phone/app/browser looking at what you’re reading and adding it to your keyboard hints. That particular company was mentioned in a recently linked article about the company triggering an earthquake from fracking in northern BC, as well as being sued by the state of California. 9 months ago
I’d assume it was something you’d typed once (maybe while searching or a typo). I always delete those words when they come up (for me that’s dragging the word up and a bin appears). 9 months ago
For real. If someone could SCTUALLY (oh look another issue. It fails to work out the word if the first letter is wrong far too often) *ACTUALLY answer this question I’d be halfway happy 9 months ago
Phones learn from what you’re typing. The more you type (typo) something, the more they will recommend it to you. Vicious cycle if it auto corrupts it for you, and you miss it/ignore it thinking the other party will understand you fine. Eventually it learns the ironic typos as actual words and then you’re stuck with them when you type. I kind of wish there’s a way to review / manage the autocomplete dictionaries, but I haven’t tried hard enough to find out yet. 9 months ago
I don’t think the above poster has ever typed ConocoPhillips (hey it’s on my autocorrect too) 9 months ago
I have it! 9 months ago
On my phone if I hold down on the suggested word, I can delete it from “learned words.” This is only really helpful if it’s a typo that isn’t also a real word. 9 months ago
My phone still doesn’t know what fuck means or suggests it to me when I want to write it even though I use it fairly often. I also daily greet my coworkers over threema and it still hasn’t learned what I want to write when my sausage fingers and the too smal keyboard are at a disagreement what should be written.