That’s not my argument. Dipshit.
My argument is that it has taken us 30 years to reach 16% of global power generated by renewables. And every year we seem to add about two more percentage to that. We don’t have the fucking time scale to keep that rate going. We need to drastically cut oil yesterday and the only thing you can vially replace that much oil with is nuclear on a 5-year time scale. 10 months ago
OP calling you a “dipshit” and others “fucking shills” is clear evidence OP knows he/she is losing the argument and gets emotional about it.
What’s funny is that nuclear apologists sweep other renewables like geothermal under the rug and only proclaim that wind and solar depend on the elements. Wind and solar do but others like geothermal don’t. Hydropower is also less dependent on flukes of nature.
Also France needs to lower their nuclear energy output in summer because the cooling water from rivers gets too hot.