So pisses at YouTube (Google) you’re switching to Android (…)? Was this their master plan all along?
Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago
Ads never bothered me on YouTube.
They’re bothering me enough now that I’m going with an android phone after more than a decade on iPhones just so I can get back to YouTube the way it used to be with a decent and blocker.
I can’t fucking stand it.
Want to show someone a short clip? Nah. Gotta skip two fucking ads first while you stand there looking stupid and waiting.
I’m fucking done. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I’m going to go with a degoogled version of the OS (LineageOS is my current plan).
The only way I’ll back out is if Apple allows an ad blocker that will cover any app I’m using. I’m currently paying for one that only works on Safari and YouTube videos take a thousand years to load up.
Now if a legit version of Firefox makes its way to iPhone in the US with ublock, I’ll be happy with that. 10 months ago
The irony of a Google product pissing you off so you switch from iOS to Android 10 months ago
All to get those sweet sweet modified APKs 10 months ago
From very trusty Telegram sources no less!
On a more serious note, f-droid is where I got NewPipe. Also, you don’t need to own a fucking macbook and pay a fucking developer’s license to be able to develop for Android, which is good. 10 months ago
Telegram? F-droid? Just patch the original apk’s locally. Easy