It’s a long-standing observation of economists that government spending leads to inflation. Probably the simplest model is that the government is increasing demand without increasing supply.
Note that in this model, taxes have a deflationary impact because they reduce demand from individuals.
This is not an opinion on how much government spending is affecting current inflation (nor how much inflation is to blame for any particular category of goods). 10 months ago
No, new money entering the economy comes from the government and government spending is one of the ways that happens. 10 months ago
Government spending is doing some heavy lifting here.
Yeah, if you are Zimbabwe and you are minting your currency like there’s no tomorrow while all your debt is in USD. Your currency is at a huge disadvantage and you’ll hit trillion bank notes in no time.
Rich countries trade massively while having other countries hold their debt. This makes rich countries are literally too big to fail in our capitalist system. As long as a rich country is growing their economy they can mint as much as they want.
Japan are taking this to extreme levels because they are fighting deflation from an aging population. Russia had double digit inflation because of Western sanctions, but they literally spent their way into single digit inflation with their war economy.
This “fiscal responsibility” from conservatives is actually hurting the US economy. The only inflation the fed is fighting rn is high wages for workers. Don’t fall for the propaganda. 10 months ago
How does having international trade and loaning out money make it so increasing the money supply doesn’t cause inflation? And since we’re talking about government spending, this isn’t just adding to the money supply in a way where those dollars will sit hoarded in a bank account somewhere, with government spending people are being paid to do something, that’s going directly into the heart of the economy, and more dollars flying around -> economic stimulus -> inflation.
That isn’t to say I think the measures the government takes to fight inflation are justified and without blame. That thing about the fed fighting high wages is true and they literally admit it probably because wages and inflation are associated metrics so fighting high wages and fighting inflation are basically the same thing. 10 months ago
This is a logic that seemed intuitive to me as well for a long time. However, it doesn’t make much sense to me anymore when I think about money as simply a representation of wealth or value.
Imagine somebody spending their time and Know-how to build a chair which can be sold at 50$ more than what the original materials are worth. Through their work, they created wealth. The still unchanged amount of money does not accurately represent the currently avaliable wealth anymore and in order to still be redistributed among all goods and services relative to their worth, prices would need to drop (deflation). Now of course, the value of a chair and other goods generally declines over time such that wealth can also disappear, which will cause inflation if it happens excessively. If the government decides to stimulate the economy, ergo creating new money and distributing it, there will still be no inflation if this money is in some way or form used to create the same or more wealth than the equivalent of the newly introduced money. This can easily happen when there are bottlenecks in the current economic situation such as high unemployment or underdeveloped infrastructure.
If of course the new money isn’t used to create more wealth, either because it is pocketed by some entities or because there simply are no people or natural resources available, it will lead to inflation. 10 months ago
What they tell us about money is often propaganda. My understanding about what money is changed after I realized:
A) Money is not fair, it will never make a lot of sense because the leaders who control a currency always use it to their benefit. It can take Americans tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of hours of labor to make a million dollars. But an ex politician / government official can earn that from a handful of 30 minute speeches.
B) Taxes never fund a government. Taxes are one of the tools to create demand for a currency. But a government creates it’s own currency, why would they need tax revenue when they are the ones creating money? This would be like saying we can’t mail anymore because we ran out of stamps. The limiting factor for how much we produce is manpower, never money.