I’ve been offered a job during the interview. But I did think it was super sketchy and didn’t take it.
But honestly it was more of a red flag of them just being desperate than anything dodgy going on. They really weren’t prepared to pay that much money, so they wanted to offer people jobs so they wouldn’t think about it.
poo@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Regarding that last one, my last job actually happened because I was made an offer during the first interview before even doing any sort of technical or programming test…
… of course most of the developers there were awful, so I wish they had.
It’s almost as if technical interviews are extremely important in vetting applicants…
Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 10 months ago
Probably better stated as a red flag not necessarily “they’re not real.” Usually the folks at the company will want at least a little bit of time to think over the interview and discuss.
It depends, good references and prior work can top “technical interviews” in my book. If someone’s done something interesting a conversation about that interesting thing is often far more useful.
Technical interviews are more important when you’re looking at people fresh out of college or a code bootcamp.