- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Spark of Blue in my ass
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Thanks for confirming! I haven’t used the actual YT app in such a long time, so I haven’t been able to confirm whether my DNS solution works.
- Comment on Fake job interviews target developers with new Python backdoor 10 months ago:
I’ve gotten offered a job on the first interview and I worked there for a while. Then again, that was not in my field of IT and was a part-time job with a well-known company, alongside studies. So while it can be a red flag, it’s not always. Depends on the situation. Just stay vigilant.
- Comment on Japanese police create fake support scam payment cards to warn victims 10 months ago:
I mean, there are cases of victims being directly told by store employees that they can’t sell the cards because it’s a scam, and them getting right back on the phone with the scammer and going to another store instead.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
NewPipe app is a good one, or Tubular if you want sponsor block too (though you can’t comment or like videos etc. on either). But if you want to use the actual YT app, the solutions in the other comments are good. I assume that setting up a Pihole or some other ad-blocking DNS could also work.
- Comment on Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse? 10 months ago:
I’m setting up some things for myself before I start proper streaming but little test streams I’ve done have been very successful!
And I’ve subbed to the community, so really appreciating the advertising. Cx
- Comment on Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse? 10 months ago:
Owncast is rather interesting to me. Self-hosted streaming platform that can use the ActivityPub to publish streaming notifications, if desired.
- Comment on Quite a talent 10 months ago:
It’s a bulum out of the bum.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You’re correct! Katakana is indeed used to write loan words. There are of course other use cases like names of animal species (e.g. you can write 狐 or キツネ for fox, and 兎 or ウサギ for rabbit) but generally that’s where you see them.
And yes, kanji was used prior to kana and the earlier versions of kana looked a lot more like kanji, but just got simplified as time went on.
Oh, and the word you were looking for is “radicals” for the components. c:
- Comment on remember, if your gf isn't open source and running locally, you don't own her 1 year ago:
I got you. UwU speech on Wiktionary
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
I think the point here is that anything that can be indexed by search engines or archival crawlers would be better, so not Matrix either. Forums, for example. Like what happens if the Discord community gets deleted due to whatever circumstances? All of that gathered knowledge will be just gone with no way to recover or search for it.
- Comment on 3 Huge Tech Companies Endorse Bill That Could Wipe Abortion Info From the Internet. 1 year ago:
I also narrow my eyes whenever I see the word “family” now.
- Comment on 3 Huge Tech Companies Endorse Bill That Could Wipe Abortion Info From the Internet. 1 year ago:
Thanks. Did you know your username is the 2517th guy named Brett with megalencephaly?
- Comment on CyberRunner AI beats humans in physical skill game for the first time 1 year ago:
That’s absolutely hilarious! The ways they learn to screw with each other, with and without glitches. xD
- Comment on Someone didn't think out the implications. 1 year ago:
Ah, the “except” in Amendment XIII.
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
the current to cross your heart
Gives a whole new meaning to “cross my heart and hope to die”.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
They push the vaccine through your skin with 5G!
- Comment on LinkedIn user data leaked: Database shows emails, profile data, phones, full names, and more confidential info. 1 year ago:
I ended up just disabling the alias I use to receive emails from LinkedIn. Since I noticed I just kept deleting those emails without ever reading them, I figured I’d just opt to not receive any emails. :D
- Comment on The dangers of tattoos 1 year ago:
The headstone depicted could be older.
- Comment on YouTube intensifies fight against ad blockers showing pop-ups, and users are frustrated | Blocking ad-block users 1 year ago:
Some alternatives are just front-ends to YouTube. Thanks to those, I haven’t used YouTube the site or the app in three years.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Thanks! Didn’t know it had a fork.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Such extensions exist already. Privacy Redirect lets you choose where to redirect YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Google Translate, Google Maps etc. links. c:
- Comment on Unity CEO John Riccitiello is retiring, effective immediately 1 year ago:
He probably has a dartboard filled with company names and wherever a dart hits, he’ll go ruin that company.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
FreeTube is also a good option. Runs locally on your computer with Invidious API to fall back on.
- Comment on Whatsapp is going to run terribly... 1 year ago:
What I did was say I’m deleting my WhatsApp account in [insert sensible time] and if anyone wants to contact me, to use Signal. Lost contact to some, but many followed.
- Comment on Introducing the new Godot Development Fund 1 year ago:
There’s a tool that can almost directly convert your scenes and resources to Godot.
- Comment on US rejects AI copyright for famous state fair-winning Midjourney art 1 year ago:
I think about it along this analogy:
You ring up your artist friend and would really like to see this specific thing drawn. Your friend gets inspired and is happy to oblige completely for free as they make art for fun. You give them specifications, they send you progress pictures and you tell them how to tweak those WIP pictures until you get the piece you envisioned, drawn by this artist friend of yours.
Now, who owns the work? The artist, right? You don’t get to claim ownership just because your instructions got that piece done.
- Comment on Unity has changed its pricing model, and game developers are pissed off 1 year ago:
Saw this screenshot on Mastodon. They won’t tell how they’re going to track it exactly but it sounds like some weird estimation work.
- Comment on X updates its Terms to prohibit crawling/scraping of its data 1 year ago:
He’s still mad at those researchers for scraping the data that shows that ever since he took over, the antisemitism, racism and general bigotry has gone up on the platform.
- Comment on Microsoft to stop forcing Windows 11 users into Edge in EU countries 1 year ago:
I can’t view my achievements so I don’t know. I assume no because there’s no overlay. I actually forgot GOG even had achievements. I just don’t care about them that much usually.
Steam achievements work normally, of course.