Eh, i saw easton’s twitter before deletion, he was rather full of himself and prone to being pompously challenging without cause.
Also his father doesn’t mean shit, i’m the kid of a master printer, buggered if i know anything about ink
Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago
This post is inaccurate. Neither WiFi nor GPS use FHSS, nor is Lamarr anything close to singularly credited with FHSS’ invention (the earliest patent is credited to Nikola Tesla). This also implies that the Allies used her parent - they did not.
Also Richard Easton is the son of the man who invented GPS and had every right to be skeptical of this claim, and it looks like Internet dipsh*ts have bullied him into deleting his twitter account over this.
Eh, i saw easton’s twitter before deletion, he was rather full of himself and prone to being pompously challenging without cause.
Also his father doesn’t mean shit, i’m the kid of a master printer, buggered if i know anything about ink
I think it’s pretty reasonable to be proud of your family for their accomplishments. And annoyed that someone else would take credit for them.
No one’s ‘taking’ credit, others are ascribing credit. For technological concepts that were foundational, if no longer used. It’s like cracking the shits at someone mentioning the hominid that came up with knapping a stone because your dad made scalpels.
Yeah you’re correct I misspoke there. I’m not an expert but others are suggesting her invention wasn’t used in GPS at all, which the guy’s dad is credited with inventing. If that’s true that’s still a little weird, of course I don’t have a problem with her getting credit for anything she invented. I certainly haven’t invented anything
The internet truly is a wonderful place, is it not? 10 months ago
Wikipedia link for Easton (and Parkinson) credit for GPS:…/Global_Positioning_System#:~….
Ee times article referencing FHSS and Nikola Tesla: