- Comment on Benny 😍😍😍 7 months ago:
Thanks for introducing me to this phrase haha
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
The Tuesday/Monday example being arbitrary is my point, glad you pointed that out. This is the casual way that I “have faith” that there is no God. In my eyes your choice of deity to worship is just as arbitrary, there are thousands of religions. The fact that some of them promise “hell” to “sinners” is not a reason for me to operate as though these things are true. There are just as many if not more spiritual practices that have nothing to do with eternal damnation, why would I operate as if any of these are the reality when they’re all claiming to be The One Truth? I’m expected to pick yours just because you said so? That seems silly, and it’s also silly to call this thought process “faith” I think.
Regarding the dinosaurs, we have fossil records, and that’s a bit different than “God is gonna getcha, better be a good boy, believe me bro,” but I do in fact believe that Jesus existed, because we have extensive historical context and documents talking about him. As stated elsewhere this is sufficient to generally consider a person to have existed. Most historians also claim as much, and I’m not a historian so I will defer to the experts. Whether or not he is the Messiah though, and has magic powers as stated in the bible, is a much more ridiculous claim. When you tell me a reality-bending zombie that is his own father exists, the burden of proof for that claim is much higher than “Did this person exist historically?” This is the point that FlyingSquid is making, which I agree with.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
I think you’re operating on a different understanding of the words ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ here. Do you believe that Tuesday comes after Monday? Do you believe the Earth orbits the Sun, or that puppies are cute? Belief in something does not require faith, faith is a specific kind of belief. This is the kind of belief I have when talking about God.
I do not need evidence to disprove the existence of God, much the same way that I do not need the same for Dragons, or Magic, or the Flat Earth. I am not claiming these things do not exist, I am simply not going to believe they do until there is some evidence of their existence. I would suspect you do not think that I am religious in my lack of belief in dragons.
I also do not “believe” in science. That is a misunderstanding of science, which is simply a methodology. One cannot believe in it any more than they can math. It just is.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
Atheists do not have theological beliefs, atheism is characterized by a lack of religious faith. If one is lacking in faith then they cannot still have faith, that is an incoherent position.
- Comment on Top post in the conservative subreddit: Being unable to work at a "woke" company 8 months ago:
Lots of writers and other crew have agents. It’s not clear from the article if that’s what’s being referred to though.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
Yeah you’re correct I misspoke there. I’m not an expert but others are suggesting her invention wasn’t used in GPS at all, which the guy’s dad is credited with inventing. If that’s true that’s still a little weird, of course I don’t have a problem with her getting credit for anything she invented. I certainly haven’t invented anything
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
I think it’s pretty reasonable to be proud of your family for their accomplishments. And annoyed that someone else would take credit for them.
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
While they would no longer be competing in the US market, any ‘competitor’ would have to do the work of gaining billions of customers in other countries, that are already entrenched into Tik Tok user space. I think that worry is kinda moot if you’re TT leadership.
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
Well for one, because if they don’t then they will get precisely 0 money. If it is indeed about the money then we would absolutely expect them to sell no? Otherwise… There’s no money
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months ago:
New player experience is so dramatically improved since then, hope you’re having a great time!
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
Oh my b I completely misunderstood you there lol. Carry on 🫡
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
You think it’s unheard of that a police officer can be a racist? Have you come here from an alternate timeline or something? If so can I come back with you?
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Look I understand where you’re coming from, and I kinda agree with you. Also speaking as a white male, though, we would rightly declare someone like Candace Owens an internalized racist if she said the same the thing that you just did but about black people. I don’t think it’s fair to raise your arms and say “Well yeah some of the people in my group are problematic, so it’s okay if we behave inappropriately toward the entire group. I personally don’t feel oppressed so why are you mad?”
Like that’s pretty silly right? I’m afraid that the divide in political ideology between young men/women is due to years of white-men-bad rhetoric, pushing these young boys to Tate and Fresh n Fit, and it’s having the opposite effect that we want. We’re no longer educating at a certain point, we’re just shaming.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
No it doesn’t. Not wanting to be the target of racial or sexual discrimination is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for. I swear, half the “leftists” on Lemmy are just larping…
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Is this not even worse double-dipping? Why would a server who makes $3/hr be expected to tip out the rest of the restaurant? That’s the point of being able to pay them $3/hr no?
Wages being disconnected from company earnings is an even bigger reason for us to insist the percentage NOT go up…