You ssnt to believe Trump made fun of a disabled person. It’s important for you to believe that. It bothers you that I look at the facts and don’t see the delusion. I just see Trump doing exactly what he’s done for years.
I find it more entertaining you see something that isn’t there and keep insisting it’s true.
You’re just having to justify to yourself that isn’t what happened so you can’t be wrong.
Its reasons like this that explain perfectly why you get more dissent than agreement in this community. At least in past exchanges I’ve owned up when I was wrong and apologized. You so far have been incapable of that.
An opinion article on a conservative site is not making any points in your favor and the fact that you think that it’s enough to debunk a video of the thing actually happening is honestly really sad. 10 months ago
You ssnt to believe Trump made fun of a disabled person. It’s important for you to believe that. It bothers you that I look at the facts and don’t see the delusion. I just see Trump doing exactly what he’s done for years.
I find it more entertaining you see something that isn’t there and keep insisting it’s true. 10 months ago
He clearly mocked a disabled person.
You’re just having to justify to yourself that isn’t what happened so you can’t be wrong.
Its reasons like this that explain perfectly why you get more dissent than agreement in this community. At least in past exchanges I’ve owned up when I was wrong and apologized. You so far have been incapable of that. 10 months ago
I would own up if I was wrong but as my citation shows, I am correct. 10 months ago
An opinion article on a conservative site is not making any points in your favor and the fact that you think that it’s enough to debunk a video of the thing actually happening is honestly really sad.