As opposed to buying a cheap printer, screwing around with it for weeks and buying $500 in parts, calibrating constantly with annoying tricks and hacks, and getting frustrated because a new hobby is more effort than it’s worth?
Comment on Best options for entry level 3D printing available these days? 9 months agoP1s is nowhere near entry level lol, it’s like $700 9 months ago 9 months ago
OP asked for an entry level printer. There’s good entry level options besides absolute bottom of the barrel creality ones, although those are also good enough to see if it’s a hobby you want to spend more money on. “Hey anyone have recommendations for a cheap car I can get? I just learned to drive.” “Buy a corvette!” 9 months ago
A p1p is an entry level printer. It’s just one that’s already assembled instead of someone entering the hobby to buy a cheap printer then get discouraged at having to spend as much or more to bring it up to the same standards if they had just bought a good one to begin with. Your Corvette strawman isn’t even accurate. If I was recommending an X1C or the new $3500 prusia one then it would make more sense. As of right now you’re telling OP to buy a junked car and repair it so it can drive smoothly while learning to drive. Someone new to the hobby probably won’t understand all the settings. 9 months ago
For many people it is entry level. But ofc depends on the budget