- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
It’s been that way. Who would’ve thunk a bunch of edgy redditors are insufferable?
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
You’re the problem and exactly the type of person to block so thanks for proving my point
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
I’ve had less toxic experiences on reddit. Here I’ve had people use my post history to insult me and I even had some jackass respond to me 3 months later after some change Firefox did to “prove” he was right. Even though he was still wrong. Not to mention the tankies and other troll instances. I deleted my account on reddit years ago due to the toxicity there and I still find it less toxic now than Lemmy whenever I lurk there. Lemmy is dying because of the toxicity here. My subscribed feed used to have at least an hour or two of content to look at but it’s slowly been less and less, and mostly just automated bot posts now. I spend less than 10 minutes a day here now because there’s just nothing here. And I know she’s someone is going to be a dick when replying to this and I’ll just have to block 2 or 3 people again.
- Comment on Russian authorities prepare to block Discord. 4 months ago:
Every comment I make no matter how harmless it is I get someone like you who has to harass me and I’m fucking tired of it. Go fuck with someone else.
- Comment on Russian authorities prepare to block Discord. 4 months ago:
Cool. So why harrass me over it then? Out of the hundreds of major errors I see what compelled you morons to target me and not the rest? What is with you assholes stalking me?
- Comment on Russian authorities prepare to block Discord. 4 months ago:
Cool. Nobody cares. What’s with the targeted harrassment by you fucks?
- Comment on Russian authorities prepare to block Discord. 4 months ago:
Nobody cares
- Comment on Ubisoft investors push for company sale as shares hit decade-low 4 months ago:
Ubisoft has been trash for over a decade. The only thing they had going for them were ass creed.
- Comment on Russian authorities prepare to block Discord. 4 months ago:
So does that mean less bots trying to steal my steam credentials?
- Comment on Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee 5 months ago:
Wow a .ml user being a shit head. Who could’ve seen that coming.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
Unfortunate that he got caught. He was simply playing the same game the corps do but since he isn’t mega rich he gets punished.
- Comment on Acer’s concept gaming laptop has a pop-out controller 5 months ago:
Looks like something that’ll break in 2 months. Plus who knows how good the controller is. I bet there will be a lot of complaints about sparks being broken off too.
With laptops having movable and separate pieces built into the frame is an awful idea. Gaming laptops in general are already an awful idea except for a very small portion of the population that actually travels enough to justify one.and no, going back and forth to a dorm room is not travel. A gaming rig in your living space plus a cheap laptop is good enough and cheaper than a gaming laptop.
- Comment on Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’ 6 months ago:
The shareholders are starving. Did you ever stop once to think about them and stop being selfish?
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
gestures at the whole GOP
- Comment on Chipotle customers were right — some restaurants were skimping, CEO says 7 months ago:
They’re disgusting. All of them. I’ve had to go to them on occasion to fix something for my job and every single one was nasty as fuck in the back. I’ve only eaten there once and it was subpart, especially for the cost. I will never eat there again.
- Comment on if you know you know 7 months ago:
Careful now. If you mention that a place filled with ex redditers is just like reddit you’ll awaken the hive mind.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
No that’s where the pee is stored.
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
Who’s not getting paid? Nobody is getting fired or losing wages over this you dumb fuck.
using an alt to upvote yourself is pretty sad. LMAO projection much? Using alts to upvote yourself and downvote me is sad. You think I’m that insecure? You sound like a wonderful person.
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
Oh so it just affected you personally got it. So that’s where all this is coming from. Now that that’s settled you can kindly fuck off.
Preventing workers from doing their jobs doesn’t actually hurt them. At all. It just makes it annoying to work.
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
So your plan to fix capitalism is to do nothing?
Yes it is you with a poor grasp of what this software is for. Hint: if it’s not for selling cars then how does it affect poor people the most? Despite your insane ramblings you’ve yet to explain how so I’m waiting to hear whatever excuse you pull from your ass.
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
Are you stupid? Things can’t get better until they get worse because people don’t give enough of a shit yet. So until then things will just slowly get shittier. Since the rich are taking as many eggs as they can it leaves very little for us. I hope the working class gets driven away because then we’ll get to hear about big corporations crying when they can’t make any money.
And if course it’s not hurting the rich. Not yet because the system is rigged. Only way toake them hurt is through their wallet and workers.
Fucking clowns in this shithole don’t u understand how things work.
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
Oh well. If I can’t have any then the rich assholes shouldn’t either
- Comment on Car dealerships in North America revert to pens and paper after cyberattacks on software provider 8 months ago:
Can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.
- Comment on Instagram and Facebook under EU investigation for causing child addiction and harm 9 months ago:
Got into a huge argument with my dad and almost lost all contact with him from right wing brainwashing. We’re good now but it’s scarry just how far the right will go to twar families apart to get what they want. I hope every last GOP member burned a slow painful death.
- Comment on People are realizing celebrities are unnecessary 9 months ago:
Pretty sure that’s how modern art works.
- Comment on Amazon Customer Service has become awful 9 months ago:
This. I’d regularly get packages 3-5 days after ordering with prime. No reason to keep paying for a service I’m not getting.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 9 months ago:
Or maybe Google should just improve the experience so people want to pay for a premium subscription. But instead of investing in a better user experience they’d rather intentionally make it worse to drive consumers to pay to unshitify it. But instead they’re blowing loads of cash to fight a war with they’re customers. They are dumb.
- Comment on Over 100 far-right militias are coordinating on Facebook 9 months ago:
Most of these idiots are the same type who buy a .22 made to look like an AR and mag dump from 20 feet away at the range.
- Comment on Flood of AI-Generated Submissions ‘Final Straw’ for Small 22-Year-Old Publisher 9 months ago:
It’s this. I know I’ve become angrier, bitter, and even more misanthropic because of the uptick of people that have been massive pieces of shit since he took office. I think I developed a “fuck you” attitude as a self defence mechanism and I’ve lost all my empathy.
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 9 months ago:
Are you illiterate?