No, I think we should limit the cost of drugs based solely on cost to manufacture and distribute, and pay those operational costs
If we payed for the research. I agree. Otherwise companies will just spend less on research. I don’t mind capping margins unless they don’t enforce the patent. 8 months ago
Yeah research is part of the cost to manufacture cause you first need to know what you’re making hahaha.
Margin-capping isn’t even something we should consider when you don’t run it for profit.
I think the people should own the means of production where it makes sense. Healthcare is an obvious example because it’s a service directly for us.
People getting rich and making millions off the suffering of an unhealthy population is morally wrong. 8 months ago
If there is no profit, then nobody would make it.
It never makes sense. You can do that now, but nobody does because it doesn’t make sense. 8 months ago
You forgot the part where I said their pay is considered part of the cost to manufacture and distribute.
Non-profits have no problem staying staffed.
It absolutely makes sense for the people to own the mechanism that directly benefits their wellbeing, yes. 8 months ago
Then why haven’t you started this business? Sounds like you have it all figured out