This is the thing for me, everyone who makes that argument is actually saying “a temperature change won’t make us extinct.” They don’t care that we’ll go extinct from the effects because cars go brrrr.
Comment on geoengineering 10 months agoYou’re not wrong at all, humans won’t go extinct. The alarming thing is all the other things which will go extinct or be reduced in number, and the change in water/soil/weather sources. Biodiversity and not having your neighbourhood turned into a desert are pretty important things to like, not have life suck. Plus you know, having access to clean water… in 50 years we’ll all be living like poor African children are now*
*I am not a climate scientist, nor do I have much actual knowledge on climate science 10 months ago 10 months ago
I don’t disagree at all but this seems to be a common misconception. See the OP from the Twitter thread and the angry bees I’ve enraged.