You meant, roundabouts make traffic lights pointless?
Comment on It is truly magic 10 months agoTraffic lights make roundabouts pointless though, unless they’re on a quick cycle used to ‘group’ cars entering a multi-lane roundabout.
If your population didn’t grow up with roundabouts though, and treats them like YOLO free for alls… then you might need lights 10 months ago 10 months ago
You meant, pointless makes roundabouts traffic lights? 10 months ago
You pointless, roundabout meaning traffic light pleb? 10 months ago
No, lol. 10 months ago
Dare I say this is a chicken:egg situation - which is making the other redundant? 10 months ago
My town built lots of roundabouts, and the population are used to them, but they have a problem with unbalanced traffic, and it’s been growing, so traffic has been getting more unbalanced - more people coming from directions the engineers who planned the road didn’t expect
The real problem, of course, is that though they are trying they are not able to replace the traffic with mass transit. The buses get stuck in the same traffic, light rail seems impossible, even with political will 10 months ago
My hometown installed roundabouts, with 4 way stop signs. Like, why.