Yeah like when we say RoboCop we think of the 2014 movie because it made a lot more at box office, and nobody thinks of the iconic and hugely influential original movie unless you say RoboCop (1987)
Comment on Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo 10 months agoDude! The original ones were cultural touchstones in a market that wasn’t yet oversaturated. They literally invented and defined the whole genre!
the original ones were undoubtedly MUCH more popular in their time.
i mean sure, but that also doesnt matter to the point i was making
More people might be playing the new ones NOW
which is why most folks are probably not talking about the old games when they say they like wolfenstein and doom 10 months ago 10 months ago
the difference is that discussions about robocop are exclusively about the original
if youre convinced the wolfenstein and doom reboots have the same impact and relevance as robocop (2014) youre entirely allowed to stay that way, im not gonna try and shake you out of it 10 months ago
I wouldn’t be so sure about that, what with the “It runs Doom” meme and the fact that most people on Lemmy seem to be old fucks like me who played them when they originally came out 😄