Don’t do that. Don’t read through them. Let that shit be.
Also don’t help your “non-tech-savvy” relatives and friends with crap you’ve told them before you don’t use. They think it’s fine and normal until they are left alone to deal with it. “But how will I use Facebook?.. I dunno, don’t use it myself, can’t help you”.
The reason crap is popular is also because we the relatively savvy people have conditioned normies to think that they choose what to use and we’ll just help them with everything, but the authority who tells what’s good and what isn’t is not us, it’s Google and Apple and other shitmakers.
No free IT help without representation, I say. Which means that I’ll help them if they suddenly want to become Linux users. Or something else I can respect. But not with things I’ve never advised them to use in the first place, quite the contrary. I’m for adult usage of the Web, with normies accepting responsibility for their own choices. 10 months ago
Yeah they won’t speed up shit, that requires investment in infrastructure. They’ll just slow down all existing lanes by 40%, blame it on something unrelated, and then charge you 2.5x as much as you used to pay to get your original speeds back.