Comment on Fallout 4 ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Like Skyrim this one is far more playable in third person, and I really recommend giving that a try.

If you want faster leveling get the luck perk idiot savant, and keep your intelligence low.

Ammo seems far more plentiful than 3 in my experience, at least early on. You eventually get near infinite ammo anyway. One minorly annoying thing is that DLC weapons can drop in the commonwealth, but no one sells ammo for them outside the DLC.

You will eventually want to pick a weapon type and put some points in it. The bonuses are huge. Perhaps more important are the crafting perks to keep up on upgrades to weapons and armor.

There’s a lot if focus on settlement building, but it’s a huge pain and not super rewarding in my experience.
