Comment on Can homeless people be fined for sleeping outside? A rural Oregon city asks the US Supreme Court 10 months ago
Makes sense. Fine people who have nowhere to go because they have no money. They have no money. How are they going to pay the fine? A child could figure that out. 10 months ago
Can you jail them for not paying their fines? If so, homelessness is solved! 🥳 10 months ago
Exactly. 10 months ago
Great idea. But jails are expensive, you have guards and such you have to pay. Maybe a small house, like a tiny one. Where they can come and go, and maybe find a job and start paying taxes. 10 months ago
But if you put them in jail you can dehumanize them and legitimize their treatment, they are now criminals after all. You also can’t put them to work for slave wages without causing a social uproar. 10 months ago
Heh. We need to starve the machine. 10 months ago
Homelessness in America is 10 times higher than reported. The majority of people in prison are homeless and go from in prison to homelessness to prison again. But they don’t need to imprison people for just being homeless. You make laws that only penalize things homeless people have to do to survive. Like, anti camping laws. Or, eating to close to a road. 10 months ago
And the prison industrial complex needs starving.