Pretty reasonable
Comment on VPN by Google One is shutting down for good 10 months ago
People have trust issues with Google services. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I am part of people… I hate google, Microsoft, Apple. So you’re right. We need a new hero. 10 months ago
The young upstart Microsoft fatally wounded the International Business Machines behemoth and brought us an OS for the common man. Something simplified that could provide a GUI and run on just about any hardware a normal person could afford. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
The scrappy competitor stepped in with better design and a great deal of care about the customer experience to knock the dominant OS bully off… Whoops, the scrappy competitor stepped on his own dick… And again, and again… And then the scrappy competitor had to be bailed out by the OS bully. And thus everyone lived not un-happily ever after. Until, the people’s hero entered the ring with their open phone OS, a replacement for the Netscape browser but this time with real money backing it, and a moto of righteousness, “Don’t be evil”. Once in the ring they began kicking all the Goliaths in their dicks… Cellular teleco, oppressive OS makers, even home Internet providers. There was no monopoly whose reproductive organs were safe from the swift boots of our savior Google. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the 10 months ago
The young upstart Microsoft fatally wounded the International Business Machines behemoth and brought us an OS for the common man.
Everyone knows that The OS For The Common Man was Apple, because the Common Man is Dumb. 10 months ago
The scrappy competitor had the superior OS, but they never delivered. They insisted on running their OS on their proprietary hardware. They couldn’t stop stepping on their own dicks right up until they needed Microsoft to bail them out. Windows was not the OS we needed, but was the OS we deserved. 10 months ago
I feel like it would be weird to if you got a vpn for the purpose of downloading isos or making it harder to track you. It wasn’t always available to iOS users either ( I have an iPhone so that’s why I’m mentioning it) , so you already neutered those two bases. It seemed like a niche offering to begin with 10 months ago
Me, deeply cynical: “Google is just using their VPN to spy on you. They’ve got an entire department dedicated to checking what websites you visit while using the VPN and building a profile on each individual, which they will turn over to the authorities the moment society collapses into a state of anarchy and military law must be imposed.”
Google CEO: “Shut down the secret VPN counterintelligence program that tracks all the future domestic terrorists in the event of a widespread domestic insurgency. Its not making us enough money.” 10 months ago
What’s crazy is in this timely that sounds plausible.