- Comment on Candy 4 months ago:
That’s what I keep saying…
- Comment on Candy 4 months ago:
When we were finally able to buy our first home, it was a real shock for me the first Halloween. People didn’t tend to go door to door in our apartment complex, they went to the surrounding neighborhoods so the only people that came to the door were those few that had very young children and were neighbors we saw regularly.
After the first few groups of trick or treaters I told my wife I felt like I was committing a felony every time I open the door. Thankfully, over the last few years a lot of the mothers of the younger children started dressing up with their kids. Now I can just be a perv staring at the mothers in there sexy Halloween outfits rather than trying to avoid looking at the jailbait. - Comment on Candy 4 months ago:
No, we were talking about for the test part…
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
That’s lovely. And the best part is that this could response could be automated with a bot.
- Comment on Funky Little Rodents 4 months ago:
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 5 months ago:
It’s not his cheeks he’s aiming for…
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 5 months ago:
I can’t find anything that states how much they have actually paid. It’s not quite the same if they spend 20 years fighting the amount in court.
- Comment on Delectable 5 months ago:
Just sounds like the world’s laziest crepe to me.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
I don’t currently have a computer powerful enough to host a top tier LLM like chatgpt4. If I can’t even run it, I sure as shit could never continue to train it with new data. I often use chatgpt with my phone and the thought of doing either one is ridiculous.
There are ways to make money on open source outside of the open source item itself. Redhat has done just that with Linux.
An LLM is just software. No matter what algorithm, tool, or fairy magic was used to amalgamate the data it consumed, they all sucked in open source code and just like any other software that includes open source software, it should be subject to the licensing on the open source software, which pretty much means they should be open source themselves. Companies that want to make money off of AI trained on public data can make their money on the value they add, just like redhat.
The biggest issue I see right now is how to deal with AIs tendency to output data untransformed. Trademark and all those types of licenses are negated as long as the idea within is transformed, but it is really hard to argue transformation when the stupid thing is pooping out word for word quotes, but acting as if it is “new” and transformed. - Comment on It all floats.. 6 months ago:
You probably forgot the furry suits. It isn’t a proper IT orgy unless everyone is in their furry suit.
- Comment on What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024? 6 months ago:
Played a game of “kick the can” with my kids and a few of their friends this a couple of weekends ago. It’s a really nice variation on tag because you can play it with kids too young to count, or kids that count slow.
- Comment on Top Russian economist dies after falling out of window 7 months ago:
You are 100% correct. It is awful and tragic and nothing to laugh at.
But you also have to realize that there’s nothing that the majority of us here can do about it. Even as a country we are already doing everything we can do to deal with the war.
So, how are we as powerless humans supposed to deal with the knowledge of this unstoppable horror? How are we supposed to process this horror and the 20 other worse ones we will hear about before lunch time?
For many people, the only way to make it through a day and fight against the onslaught of never ending horror by summoning up another emotion. Sometimes it’s anger, but anger is bad if you have no purpose for it. If you can’t become constructive with it then it becomes destructive. So what else is there that isn’t destructive or paralyzing? For many of us, it is dark humor. We push aside the constant onslaught with laughter. That’s how we get through the day instead of lashing out or curling up in a ball.
So you are both right. It is awful and horrible and not humorous at all, but at the same time it’s deeply and darkly hilarious. - Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Robertson is the proto-torxs. It is a vast improvement over Phillips but has a tendency to snap the head off due to the increased amount of torque you can apply. Torxs maintains the amount of torque that a Robertson can apply, but adds some material back to the head giving it a little extra strength.
It’s really unfortunate that the greed of Robertson and Ford got in the way of such a vastly superior design. - Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Cab companies have stricter safety regulations and background checks for their drivers.
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
And less safety.
- Comment on This is going to set back medical trust for years 8 months ago:
That is not what they’re saying. They are saying that there’s only one reason anyone would need the name and address of trans children and that is to terrorize them. Even if they say they have a different reason (history shows that they don’t) the one only effect that they could and would have is terror.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
“Men and their societies”, Jesus Christ, do you even hear yourself? The layers of misandry and hate in this comment are so fucking off the charts that it would take me literal weeks to unwrap it all. “Rape culture”… holy fucking shit, you have some serious phsychosys going on here. Also, talk about rampant misogyny/misandry… I never even once alluded to your sex at all. Your rampant false victimhood is so out of control that you can’t even separate your own hate from what I have actually said.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
The fact that you think this is somehow pithy and not just demeaning and dehumanizing is what makes you the problem.
If we swapped the sexes in the scenario, or changed it from men and women to black people and white people, you would be screaming your head off about hate speech and racism. Your extreme narcissism might be the reason you have had such a bad history with men. I suspected that only the worst kind of men are willing to put up with your shit.
I would choose the bear over any person that would choose the bear. - Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Does anybody know the cheat code for Panda? Cuz the moment I figure it out I am choosing bear for absolutely goddamn everything.
Lost in the woods? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - Panda time bitches!
Lost in downtown? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - Panda time!
Lost in thought? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - PaaaAaaNnnnnDdaaaa!
Sitting on the shitter and browsing the Internet? Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start - PANDA!!! - Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
Ass well
- Comment on Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study 9 months ago:
Induction is not perfect. We bought an induction burner that we use in conjunction with our gas stove and ideally I want a range that is half induction, half sealed electric, and has one long gas burner that has grill and griddle options. Induction is much faster and can even be set to hit a specific temperature, but it also power cycles just like standard electric. So, if we need to maintain a constant temp for something like simmering, we’ll start on induction and then move to gas for simmering.
Induction also requires ferromagnetic cookware, so not only is the stove extra expensive, but it requires more expensive cookware.
Induction is also noisier. Not only are there electric fans cooling the electronics, but if your pot is not perfectly centered you may get a hum or buzzing sound from the induction coil.
Induction also draws a stupid amount power while it is in use. Overall it uses that power more efficiently, but it does not play nicely with other appliances on the same circuit. Also, if you have an older house, you need to make sure you wiring, breakers, and circuit box are able to handle an induction range before you run out and buy one. Overall we use the hell out of our induction burner, but we still use the gas burners enough that it doesn’t make sense for us to spend the serious remodeling money we would need to pay to move to an all induction setup. - Comment on VPN by Google One is shutting down for good 10 months ago:
The scrappy competitor had the superior OS, but they never delivered. They insisted on running their OS on their proprietary hardware. They couldn’t stop stepping on their own dicks right up until they needed Microsoft to bail them out. Windows was not the OS we needed, but was the OS we deserved.
- Comment on VPN by Google One is shutting down for good 10 months ago:
The young upstart Microsoft fatally wounded the International Business Machines behemoth and brought us an OS for the common man. Something simplified that could provide a GUI and run on just about any hardware a normal person could afford. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
The scrappy competitor stepped in with better design and a great deal of care about the customer experience to knock the dominant OS bully off… Whoops, the scrappy competitor stepped on his own dick… And again, and again… And then the scrappy competitor had to be bailed out by the OS bully. And thus everyone lived not un-happily ever after. Until, the people’s hero entered the ring with their open phone OS, a replacement for the Netscape browser but this time with real money backing it, and a moto of righteousness, “Don’t be evil”. Once in the ring they began kicking all the Goliaths in their dicks… Cellular teleco, oppressive OS makers, even home Internet providers. There was no monopoly whose reproductive organs were safe from the swift boots of our savior Google. And thus everyone lived happily ever after.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
They are getting more subtle. Ever notice how actors suddenly rise to the top? Posts about how awesome they are, or how great things they have done are? Right before I left Reddit it was awash with Pedro Pascal and how amazing and humble and down to earth he was, then the new mandalorian came out and after a few weeks, no one gave a fuck about our new god.
I remember I first noticed it years ago when there was this sudden craze for Bradley Cooper, and how he spoke French (really broken, highschool level French). And everyone was amazed at it like speaking a second language made him amazing. It felt really weird and condescending how much praise he was getting for being willing to not only speak to these “lowly foreigners” in “their crazy language”, but also to bother to learn it in the first place. And all I could think was “you’re talking about French right? An optional language that’s taught and the vast majority of high schools across the US?” I mean good on him and great job, but wtf? And then suddenly silence… Bradley who? - Comment on Bro went wild 1 year ago:
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
Not directly harming people doesn’t make you good or innocent. Hiring someone or enabling someone else to do your evil for you is still doing evil. It may be excusable to say that the first time they voted for Trump, it was an accident. They thought he would disrupt Washington but was essentially no worse than the rest of the politicians. After that, they would have to purposefully ignore everything that he has done. At this point they have seen the true face of Trump and they’re still choosing evil.
- Comment on Polluter of the year 1 year ago:
Like literally everyone with a jet?
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
Not “if”, but “when”.
But don’t worry, before that they will start dropping games to save on storage costs, so odds are you will no longer have access to anything you “own” way before they go under. - Comment on The fact that there's a lady out there named Stephanie who insisted the whole world call her Lady Gaga and we're all just like, "okay." 1 year ago:
He chose an unpronouncable symbol because it allowed him to break his recording contract.
- Comment on Bill is a pro grammer 1 year ago:
Yes. I mean often enough that I wouldn’t call it rare.
You are a front-end js/ts devel, aren’t you? That makes sense. I can understand why you would have such a skewed view of programming. When everything you write is disposable and might be scrapped every 2 - 3 years, comments would seem like nonsense and a waste of time.
But that is definitely not everyone’s experience. More than half the code I have written has had a minimum 15 year life expectancy. Comments are essential to remember what I was doing in whatever random language I had to use at a given point. I might not comment on “x++;” but I sure as shit will on “x += (xDelta * yDelta + 31) / 32;” Actually, that’s not true, if the logic is complex enough for the rest of the code chunk, I might just comment on “x++;” to make it clear what x is in this case and why it needs to unconditionally be incremented here. Even if the reason seems ridiculously obvious right now. Because that shit might not be obvious at all in 10 years.